

니노미야 손토쿠(二宮尊徳)의 ‘도덕경제’ - ‘천도’와 ‘인도’의 개념을 중심으로 본 경세론 -


‘Moral Economy’ of Ninomiya Sontoku(二宮尊徳) - Administration Theory From the Concept of ‘The Way of Providence(天道)’ and ‘Morality of Human(人道)’


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper studied moral economy of practicing philosopher Ninomiya Sontoku(二宮尊德, 1787~1856), who lived the Edo era in Japan. Sontoku's family bankrupted because of natural disaster but he struggled back to his feet and he succeeded at last. In addition to, he compounded some idea from that experiences to management philosophy. Especially, this paper studied his administration theory from the concept of the way of providence and morality of human. He accepted natural disaster to way of providence. He regulated some action for overcoming hardship is morality of human. He emphasized people have to overcome and accept way of providence by ‘morality of human’. That theory result from his subjective outlook. He thought mankind has desire and it is basically. So, extravagant people is a matter of course and it is the way of providence. When the way of the providence was controlled by morality of human, the providence was totally completed. On the administration theory, 'selfhood' has a special definition and role like main agent of practice. 'selfhood' has 'self heart' inner side, and it is standard of practice. 'self heart' communicates and circulates with other members and theirs hearts. In this way, main agent of practice is also member of community, and practical man is partner of community's joys and sorrows. This thought is the limits of Sontoku and bureaucrat in Edo government. This administration theory stressed out ‘morality of human’ and its goal is welfare of the people. 'Moral economy' is the way to welfare of the people. Economy of agriculture was substituted what this new economy is the commerce was the trend at the time. Country community was divided into agriculture and commerce. they conflicted each other. moreover, natural disaster threatened right to their life. Sontoku argued to deal with the dangerous situation, that people have to overcome and accept way of providence by ‘morality of human’. 'Moral economy' means righting nature will demand men's efforts. Thus, main agent of practice change one's recognition of nature and society for practicing 'moral economy'. He criticized increasing interest, furthermore, proposed donation in economy of commerce. First of all, main agent of practice realize own income also, they lived a thrifty life and good to the money left over into other social members.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 『三才報德金毛錄』을 통해본 손토쿠의 ‘인도’와 ‘천도’
  Ⅱ-1. 천지인의 중심인 ‘나(我)’
  Ⅱ-2. 대칭과 순환 구조
  Ⅱ-3 ‘부덕不德함’을 수양하면 성현
  Ⅱ-4 경제 시스템의 구축 - ‘시조施報’ㆍ‘부조扶助’
 Ⅲ. 「二宮翁夜話」를 통해본 손토쿠의 ‘천도’와 ‘인도’
  Ⅲ-1 천리자연의 ‘천도’
  Ⅲ-2 작위로서의 ‘인도’
  Ⅲ-3 ‘도덕경제’ - 분도分度와 추양推讓
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 한예원 Han, Yae-won. 조선대학교, 한문학과, 동아시아사상사전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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