

역사기술과 인식의 다층성 - 러일 전쟁과 동해해전을 중심으로-


Historical description and Multilayered characteristics of recognition : focusing on Russo-Japanese War and naval battle in East sea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Russo-Japanese War is an event which world-wide gives a shock. From the Korean standpoint, the Russo-Japanese War is seen as one connected to Korean-Japanese Agreement(November 17, 1905) and Annexation of Korea by Japan(August 22, 1910)This paper attempts to restructure an epistemology background regarding the Russo-Japanese War. In generally, It is though that it occurred in the result which was brought in the collusion of the Russian going south strategy and the Japanese continent invasion one. I agree with this statement to some extent, it should look into the background, that is, the Russian network, and Btitsh and Japanese network. The battle which decides the destiny of the Russo-Japanese War was the naval battle in East Sea. (From 1905 May 27th on the 28th) Though this battle, Japan becames in genuine nation of empire state. Therefore, for the perspective of two subjects of this naval battle in East Sea, it is necessary to clarify its understanding of recognition. Being formed commonly to the inter-subjectivity of the Russo-Japanese War, the description of naval battle in East Sea, along with the explanation, leads to this event. Many observers and others who sae and heard this war, by the way, reported it, irrespective of its subjects. It is they that one war correspondents. Only if we all them spectators, it could happened to be misunderstood. But where as spectators see it as a contingency, the observers 야 it as an inevitability. Therefore, I intend to grasp the descriptions which observers understood the war by observing. 


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 러일전쟁 배경에 관한 재구(再構)
 Ⅲ. ‘동해해전(東海海戰)’의 인식론적 층위
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 엄현섭 Eum Hyun Sup. 경희대학교 국제지역연구원 HK연구교수, 한일비교문화


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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