

에도시대 ‘민’의 정치적 각성과 그 역설


The Political Evolution of 'People' and Its Paradox in Edo Period of Japan


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to analyse the meaning of intellectual history which the movement of transformation or deconstruction of Neo-confucianism, as a political evolution of 'people' and the ideological struggle about it, is happened since the beginning of the study Neo-confucianism between the people of city in Edo period of Japan. First, in order to understand the reason why the political evolution of 'people' and the ideological struggle about it happened in Edo period, I emphasize it was important that there was the accidental combination of special conditions in politics, economy, international relation and the acceptance of Neo-confucianism having the principle everyone is equal by nature at that time. Second, the famous thinkers of the movement of transformation or deconstruction of Neo-confucianism, Jinsai Ito, Sorai Ogyu and Norinaga Motoori, are positioned to the typical example of the political evolution of 'people' and the ideological struggle about it. Jinsai Ito, through the reconstruction of confucianism with the critical approach about Neo-confucianism, produced the discourse of the political evolution of 'people'. Sorai Ogyu, in opposition to Jinsai Ito's discourse, presented the reformation design of Samurai regime and the strategy of turning the 'people' over to Samurai's side by interpreting confucianism to a political science. Norinaga Motoori, by the making the synthesis of kokugaku as ethno-centrism, made the principle of people's willing obedience to the emperor Tenno. Finally, I insist the political evolution of 'people' emerged early compared with other country in East Asia, but it caused the paradox of the early conservative resistance by the 'people' in Edo period of Japan. And it had a strong effect on the relationship between state and people in modern Japan.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. ‘민’의 정치적 진화와 그 조건
 Ⅲ. 주자학의 사상사적‘파문’
 Ⅳ. 이토 진사이와 ‘민’의 정치적 각성
  1. 내면의 ‘도덕’에서 관계의 ‘도덕’으로
  2. ‘민’의 도덕적 주체화
  3. 정치관의 전환
  4. 사무라이체제의 무단성 비판
  5. ‘천하공공의 도’와 ‘민’의 정치적 주체화
 Ⅴ. 오규 소라이와 체제 개혁 및 민의의 포섭
  1. 국가적 공공성의 자각
  2. 경제사회적 변동에 대한 대책
  3. 중앙집권적 시스템의 필요성
  4. ‘민’의 정치적 진화에 대한 보수주의적 시선
 Ⅵ. 모토오리 노리나가와 ‘민족’의 중심화 및 민의의 조작
  1. 정서적 소통과 불통
  2. ‘가미’에 대한 신앙과 민족성
  3. 수직적 위계질서의 동요와 천황제적 재편
  4. 민의의 조작과 보수주의 정초(定礎)
 Ⅶ. 맺음말 : 에도시대 ‘민’의 정치적 각성과 그 역설


  • 고희탁 Hee-Tak Koh. 연세대학교 정치외교학과 BK연구교수, 동아시아정치사상사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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