

전파(電波)와 전파(傳播)Ⅰ- 제국일본의 방송권력을 중심으로 -


Radio wave and Propagation- broadcasting power of empire Japan in the center-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The sample researches the broadcasting power of empire Japan which boils the fact that in the goal. Drew the shape of the broadcasting power which becomes known from network formation process inside of namely empire Japan and, the radio wave’ propagation led and to observe features radio broadcast as the sending person of cultural shaking tried. Specially the cultural power the political events which confirm the overwhelming power of broadcasting, cultural (Berlin Olympic) makes the real value of radio broadcast confirm from event inside. The concept which is a cultural power the entity which is concrete is visible in the eye knows at is symbolic appears from culture and line of authority (Image) with to be bitter the person and the person, the group and the group, operates from the nation and national etc. various territory. By the way cultural power accommodating the masses is logical or refuses the reaction which is scientific and wants unconscious accommodating. The means of accommodating which is natural consequently rightly is to be a cultural medium. The electric wave of political event of domestic propagation trust of political power and believing in the citizens, as the zoom to do to make plant notification makes a political national ceremony, the electric wave of sports relay broadcasting propagation the citizen of empire Japan becoming, to stamp culturally. The citizen the manifestation of natural national ceremony is to be a state which the cultural power prefers most. In order to complete like this intention the cultural power of empire Japan broadcasting system (Media System) thoroughly, intervened. To the inside of course with intention of broadcasting power planning was entering.


1. 머리말
 2. 제국일본의 네트워크와 방송권력의 형성
 3. 전파의 전파 : 문화요동의 발신자
 4. 시스템으로서 방송권력
 5. 맺음말


  • 嚴玄燮 엄현섭. 한림대학교 일본학연구소 연구교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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