

탄성도로용 방진재 설계 : 동적탄성계수


Anti-Vibration Material Design for Elastic Road : Dynamic Elastic Modulus

김병삼, 김형두, 최홍철

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In contemporary society, vibration and noise in the road nearby buildings have become social problems as vehicles operation has increased. Especially, in the case of the building used to art performance, available suitability of the building is tested by the indoor noise class. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is the measurement of the structure-borne noise of Seoul Art Center nearby Umyeonsan tunnel and analyzing the effects of countermeasure to it. To measure the effects of countermeasure, not only structure-borne noise is measured, but also the vibration is measured, before and after the construction of pavement using pad and porous asphalt. Consequently, the sound pressure level in art center 1st floor is reduced after mat pavement method, structure-borne noise that was high in 25Hz wide-band before pavement decreased regardless of experimental vehicle's velocity. Using porous asphalt pavement the noise was reduced about 3 dB(A).


 1. 서론
 2. 방진재 선정
  2.1 방진재 두께
  2.2 정적탄성계수
  2.3 동적탄성계수
  2.4 방진재 검토(동적탄성계수)
 3. 결론


  • 김병삼 Byoung-Sam Kim. Member, Department of smart automotive engineering, Wonkwang University
  • 김형두 Hyoung-Doo Kim. Department of fire service adminiration, Wonkwang University
  • 최홍철 Hong-Cheol Choi. Ministry of Environment


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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