

연소실 카본 퇴적물 클리닝에 의한 성능 향상 연구


Performance improvement by carbon deposit cleaning in combustion chamber


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In recent years, the regulation of exhaust gas of automobiles has been strengthened, and various high-tech technologies have been applied to cope with exhaust gas regulations. Especially, in case of gasoline vehicles, by injecting gasoline direct injection, a large amount of carbon deposits are adsorbed in intake / exhaust valves and combustion chambers, Which is a cause of combustion. Therefore, in this study, we developed the cleaning liquid and related special tools to remove carbon deposits in the combustion chamber, and developed the cleaning process of the combustion chamber and tried to understand the effect on the engine performance improvement. In order to prevent the release of heavy metals after burning, the cleaning effect of the cleaning liquid was investigated by temperature and the influence of the knocking of the engine on the cleaning performance.


 1. 서론
 2. 클리닝 용액 개발
  2.1 클리닝 용액 개발 및 평가
 3. 엔진 연소실 클리닝 전 후 평가
  3.1 GDI 엔진 연소실 클리닝 평가
  3.2 압축압력 평가
  3.3 카본 퇴적물 제거에 따른 전기부하 특성
  3.4 엔진 연소실 클리닝 평가
  3.5 GDI엔진 연소실 종합적인 평가
 4. 결론


  • 나완용 Rha, Wan Yong. Member, Shinsung University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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