

Evaluation of mechanical and thermal properties of insulation materials for HTS power devices at liquid nitrogen temperature



In superconducting power devices including power cables in which high temperature superconducting (HTS) tapes are utilized, a reliable electrical insulation should be achieved for its maximum performance. For an efficient design of HTS superconducting devices, a comparative evaluation of the mechanical and thermal propperties for various insulation materials at cryogenic temperatures is required. Especially, in the process of the property evaluation of the sheet-shaped insulation materials, anisotropy according to the machining direction should be considered because the mechanical and thermal properties are significantly influenced by the sample orientation. In this study, the cryogenic thermal and mechanical properties of various insulation material sheets such as PPLP, Cryoflex, Teflon, and Kapton were determined considering sample orientation. All samples tested at cryogenic temperature showed significantly higher tensile strength as compared with that of room temperature. The ultimate tensile strength at both temperature conditions significantly depended upon the sample orientation. The thermal properties of the insulation materials exhibited a slight difference among samples depending on the orientation: for the PPLP and Cryoflex, the CD orientation showed larger thermal contraction up to 77 K as compared to the MD one. MD samples in PPLP and Cryoflex showed a lower CTE and thermal contraction which made it more promising as an insulation material due to its comparable CTE with HTS CC tapes.


  2.1 Samples
  2.2 Mechanical properties measurement
  3.1 Mechanical properties at RT and 77 K
  3.2 Thermal properties at RT and 77 K


  • Hyung-Seop Shin Department of Mechanical Design Engineering, Andong National University, Andong, Kyungbuk, 36729 Korea
  • Mark Angelo Diaz Department of Mechanical Design Engineering, Andong National University, Andong, Kyungbuk, 36729 Korea


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