

Current limiting characteristics of transformer type SFCL with coupled secondary windings according to its winding direction



In this paper, the current limiting characteristics of the transformer type superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) with the two coupled secondary windings due to its winding direction were analyzed. To analyze the dependence of transient fault current limiting characteristics on the winding direction of the additional secondary winding, the fault current limiting tests of the SFCL with an additional secondary winding, wound as subtractive polarity winding and additive polarity winding, were carried out. The time interval of quench occurrence between two superconducting elements comprising the transformer type SFCL with the additional secondary winding was confirmed to be affected by the winding direction of the additional secondary winding. In case of the subtractive polarity winding of the additional secondary winding, the time interval of the quench occurrence in two superconducting elements was shorter than the case of the additive polarity winding.


  2.1. Structure and Mechanism
  2.2. Experimental Apparatus


  • Tae Hee Han Jungwon University , Chungbuk, Korea
  • Sung Hun Lim Soongsil Uinversity, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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