

Interior seeding combined with top seeding for the fabrication of single grain REBCO bulk superconductors



This study presents three dimensional (3-D) seeding technique which is a modification of interior seeding. 3-D seeding is beneficial for shortening the processing period and enhancing the magnetic properties of REBCO bulk superconductors fabricated by melt growth. Oxygen channels were provided by using divided powder compacts instead of by using a rubber insert. Microstructure observations revealed that the grains grown from the seeds impinged each other and formed low angle grain boundaries of (001)/(001). It has been shown that the 3-D seeding technique reduces the volume fraction of a-c growth sector and thereby maximizes the area of a-b growth sector which attribute to the high magnetic characteristics of single grain REBCO bulk superconductors.




  • Hee-Gyoun Lee Korea Polytechnic University, Siheung, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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