

大邱가톨릭大學校 中央圖書館 所藏本 「歷代明鑑」에 관한 硏究


A Study on the Yeokdaemyeonggam from the Catholic University of Daegu Library

대구가톨릭대학교 중앙도서관 소장본 「역대명감」에 관한 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study analyzes on the Yeokdaemyeonggam from the Catholic University of Daegu Library. The major findings are as follows: (1) Yeokdaemyeonggam(歷代明鑑) is a kind of record book which contains exemplary words and behaviors of persons in the Chinese dynasties to educate our sovereigns and loyal retainers, by revising and compiling several publications, Yeokdaegungam(歷代君鑑), Yeokdaesingam(歷代臣鑑) and Jehanghubimyeonggam(帝王后妃明鑑), as original texts. Hong Gwi Dal(洪貴達), Gwon Geon(權健), and Seong Hyeon(成俔) completed a set of book as 27 volumes in December of the 5th year of King Yeonsan’s reign (1499). (2) Yeokdaemyeonggam is composed of three parts named Gungam(君鑑), Hubigam(后妃鑑) and Singam(臣鑑), and each part is subdivided into two sections, ‘good manners’ and ‘bad manners’, based on characteristics of the contents. The section ‘good manners’ contains records on 214 persons of 32 Chinese dynasties, likewise, the section ‘bad manners’ includes notes on 107 persons of 27 Chinese dynasties. (3) Yeokdaemyeonggam was last published with the First Cast of Gapinja Type(初鑄甲寅字) in the 6th year of King Yeonsan’s reign (1500), and there was no additional edition after then. As the King Yeonsan was dethroned, it might be avoided to compile publications which had been produced at the periods of his reign. (4) According to analyzing the copies of Yeokdaemyeonggam owned by the Gwangsan Kim’s Yeanpa Family(光山金氏 禮安派宗家) and the Catholic University of Daegu Library, the entire full text of the book can be confirmed except for the lost parts from vol.5 to vol.7. (5) The copy of Yeokdaemyeonggam owned by the Catholic University of Daegu Library preserves the main text of the section on ‘good manners’, as well as the 87 articles on the 10 emperors of 3 Chinese dynasties included in Volume 4, which is the lost volume of the copy owned by the Gwangsan Kim Yeanpa Family (which has already been designated a National Treasure). The copy also contains the record and seal impression denoting that the copy was bestowed by King Yeonsan to Yi Goeng(李浤) in March of the 8th year of King Yeonsan’s reign (1502). For these reasons, the copy holds significant value. (6) The copy of Yeokdaemyeonggam owned by the Catholic University of Daegu Library holds significant value warranting a Local Cultural Property designation and further research, maintenance, and preservation in the future, for the following reasons: the copy provides the lost texts from the Yeokdaemyeonggam copy that was previously designated as a National Treasure; it is a copy bestowed by King Yeonsan; the copy was printed using the metal types in the early Joseon period; and the history of its inheritance and the place where it is held can be clearly certified.


본 硏究는 大邱가톨릭大學校 中央圖書館 所藏本 「歷代明鑑」을 考察한 것으로 그 結果는 다음과 같다. (1) 「歷代明鑑」은 燕山君 5년(1499) 12월에 洪貴達과 權健 및 成俔이 「歷代君鑑」과 「歷代臣鑑」 및 「帝王后妃明鑑」 등을 底本으로 하여 重撰된 도합 27권 巨帙의 鑑戒書이다. (2) 「歷代明鑑」의 체제는 <君鑑>․<后妃鑑>․<臣鑑>으로 구성되어 있으며, 각 鑑別로 다시 ‘善可爲法’과 ‘惡可爲戒’로 세분하여 32朝 214人의 ‘善可爲法’과 27朝 107人의 ‘惡可爲戒’를 수록하고 있다. (3) 「歷代明鑑」은 燕山君 6년(1500) 7월에 初鑄甲寅字로 간행된 이후 더 이상의 刊行은 없었으며, 그 연유는 廢主時期의 撰集이라 忌避된 때문이었던 듯하다. (4) 現傳하는 光山金氏 禮安派宗家(寶物本)와 大邱가톨릭大學校 中央圖書館 2處의 「歷代明鑑」으로는 권5-7을 제외한 부분의 정확한 本文은 알 수 있으나, 缺失된 권5-7의 부분의 정확한 本文은 알 수 없다. (5) 大邱가톨릭大學校 中央圖書館 所藏本 「歷代明鑑」은 寶物本에서 缺失된 권4의 3朝 10君主 87條目에 해당하는 ‘善可爲法’의 本文이 殘存되고 있을 뿐 아니라 연산군 8년(1502) 3월에 李浤에게 內賜된 內賜記와 內賜印이 있어 그 價値가 결코 낮지 않은 것으로 評價된다. (6) 大邱가톨릭大學校 中央圖書館 所藏本 「歷代明鑑」은 寶物本에서 缺失된 原文의 補完이 가능한 점, 內賜本인 점, 朝鮮初期 金屬活字의 刊行本인 점, 傳來過程과 所藏處가 확실한 점 등에서 地方文化財로 指定하여 硏究하고 管理․保存할 만한 충분한 價値를 지니고 있는 것으로 評價된다.


 1. 緖言
 2. 「歷代明鑑」의 撰集과 刊行
  2.1 「歷代明鑑」의 撰集
  2.2 「歷代明鑑」의 刊行
 3. 「歷代明鑑」의 收錄 範圍와 人物
 4. 大邱가톨릭大學校 所藏本 「歷代明鑑」
  4.1 大邱가톨릭大學校 所藏本의 內容
  4.2 大邱가톨릭大學校 所藏本의 特徵
 5. 結論


  • 朴文烈 박문열. 淸州大學校 人文大學 文獻情報學科 敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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