

韓ㆍ日 水産分野 技術變化 形態 比較硏究 - Weibull 成長曲線模型 適用事例를 中心으로 -


Comparative Study on Technological Change Pattern of Fishery Area between Korea and Japan using Weibull Growth Curve Model

한ㆍ일 수산분야 기술변화 형태 비교연구 - Weibull 성장곡선모형 적용사례를 중심으로 -

박주찬, 김완민, 박병무

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Comparative Study on Technological Change Pattern of Fishery Area between Korea and Japan using Weibull Growth Curve Model Park, Ju-Chan․Kim, Wan-Min․Bark, Pyeng-Mu This paper is to analyze the technological change patterns in Fishery areas of Korea and Japan, and to find out whether change patterns of these two countries are similar or identical due to the geographical closeness as well as historical, industrial and technological ties. To analyze the patterns this study uses the Weibull growth curve model on selected six fishery technology areas and further applies the reduced and full models in order to test an identical change pattern of two countries. This study draws a conclusion that the Weibull model perfectly fits to six areas based on the statistical significance test and suggests future studies should consider using the Weibull model as well as Gompertz model for a technology assessment task. The study also concludes that there would be significant possibilities of being identical or similar between two countries in most fishery technological change patterns with only time lag difference. Based on the result of the study, the statistical test suggests that there could be I denticalness in five areas such as resource cultivation, fishery structural facets, seedling production, diagnosis, and precaution and treatment technologies. These findings may be due to the same characteristics of each technology. The study also finds out that fishery food processing and distribution technology area is significantly different between Korea and Japan due to their own systematic and cultural difference of this area industry and market in each country. The study suggests that further study should put more efforts on finding unique and independent characteristics and differences in each technology area and applying a proper growth fitting model such as Weibull, Gompertz and others respectively.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 모형에 대한 논의
 Ⅲ. 기존 사례연구
 Ⅳ. 자료 및 모형적용
 V. 결론


  • 박주찬 Park, Ju-Chan. 부산테크노파크(BTP) 정책기획단
  • 김완민 Kim, Wan-Min. 부경대학교 경영대학
  • 박병무 Bark, Pyeng-Mu. 부경대학교 기술경영전문대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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