

Network Analysis on Ageing Problems : Identifying Network Differences between Types of Cities




The research is to identify social networks of problems that have an influence on the quality of ageing people’s lives by using social network analysis, based on the premise that there are differences in networks of ageing problems in urban and rural areas. From analyzing network of ageing people’s problems using NodeXL, vertices in the networks of both urban and rural areas are well- connected. For urban areas, financial poverty is the core problem related to the quality of life. It has direct connections with illness and health, family responsibility, housing, role loss in community, and employment, which have positive or negative interactions with the quality of older people’s lives. For rural areas, on the other hand, role loss in community is the major problem. It has direct connections with the elderly abuse, financial poverty, leisure activity, divorce, isolation and loneliness from society, education, and suicide. As a result, the research shows that the problems of ageing people have strong linkages and interactive effects with a structure of network, and the networks are different depending on types of places for living.


 1. Introduction
 2. Ageing Problems
 3. Data and Measures for Social Network Analysis
 4. Results
 5. Discussion


  • Bojun Seo Department of Social Welfare, International University of Korea
  • Soochang Lee Department of Police Administration, Kyungwoon University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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