

조선시대 三和尙(지공ㆍ나옹ㆍ무학)의 위상과 추념


The Status and Tribute of Three Great Masters (the Reverend Jigong, Naong, Muhak) in the Joseon Korea

조선시대 삼화상(지공ㆍ나옹ㆍ무학)의 위상과 추념


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is for the study dealing with status and tribute of the three great masters, the reverend Jigong, Naong, and Muhak, who worked in the late period of Goryeo and the early period of Joseon Korea. Since the time, from the late period of Goryeo and the early period of Joseon, the reverend Jigong and Naong had been called as the incarnation of Buddha and the living Buddha. And the reverend Muhak was the teacher for the King, Lee Seong'gye, and in the lineage of the reverend Naong. Their schools mainly led the buddhist world in the early period of Joseon Korea and were admired as the representative high priests also in the time of Mountain buddhism, the late period of Joseon Korea. The reverend Naong and Muhak were not only nominated as the eighteen abbots with the sixteen national teachers of the Song'gwang monastery, the place of Three Jewels, but the three great masters were also admired as the buddhist dharma teachers whenever the buddhist rituals were performed. Moreover their portraits were placed and worshiped nationwide including the Hoe'am monastery, the best place of the three great masters. After the Japanese invasion of Korea, the movement of reconstructing the nation was developed and the status of the King Seongjo, Lee Seong'gye, was reviewed again. Simultaneously the status of the reverend Muhak was also re-explored with the his teacher Jigong and Naong together. As the best three great masters, Jigong, Naong, and Muhak became the figures for admiration and tribute in the Joseon Korea and the buddhist world.


본고는 여말선초기에 활동하였던 지공․나옹․무학 삼화상의 위상과 추념을 다룬 연구이다. 지공과 나옹은 여말선초 당대부터 부처의 화신 혹은 생불로 불렸으며 무학은 이성계의 왕사요, 나옹의 적통이었다. 이들의 문도가 조선전기 불교계를 주도하였으며, 조선후기 산중불교 시대에도 대표적인 고승으로 추앙되었다. 나옹과 무학이 승보도량인 송광사의 16국사와 더불어 18주지에 올랐을 뿐만 아니라, 삼화상은 불교의식에 있어서 최고의 증명법사로 신앙 되었으며, 진영도 최고의 삼화상 도량인 회암사를 비롯하여 전국에 봉안되어 추념되었다. 삼화상은 임란 후 국가재조운동이 전개되면서 성조 이성계의 위상이 제고되었으며, 무학의 위상도 더불어 부상하였으며, 무학의 스승 지공과 나옹도 삼화상의 함께 하였다. 이렇듯 지공․나옹․무학은 조선시대, 나아가 불교계의 최고의 삼화상 으로서 추념되었다.


 Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
 Ⅱ. 조선초기 무학의 삼화상 계보 확립
 Ⅲ. 조선후기 무학의 위상과 삼화상 추념
 Ⅳ. 조선후기 의식집ㆍ진영과 삼화상
 Ⅳ. 나가는 말


  • 황인규 Hwang, In-gyu. 동국대 서울캠퍼스 역사교육과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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