



A Study on Zhou Dunyi and Yangming Xin-Xue



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Zhou Dunyi is regarded as a precursor of Li-Xue, which is called Neo-Confucianism. So, it could be say that Zhou Dunyi is a precursor of Song-Ming-Li-Xue. As is well known, Zhu xi is a synthesizer of Li-Xue in Song Dynasty, which is called Dao-Xue; Wang Yangming is a synthesizer of Li-Xue in Ming Dynasty, which is called Xin-Xue. Dao-Xue and Xin-Xue were engaged in an unyielding confrontation for many centuries in Asian areas. It is certain that Dao-Xue and Xin-Xue both succeed to the resources of Zhou Dunyi together, but it is not easy to confirm that the resources of Zhou Dunyi are common to both sides taking an unyielding confrontation into consideration. Usually, Zhou Dunyi is recognized as a Master of Dao-Xue rather than Xin-Xue. But in this paper, I try to give a question to this prevalent view, like this: Yang-Ming-Xin-Xue much absorbed and developed the Thought of Zhou Dunyi than Zhu-Xi-Dao-Xue did. In order to prove this assertion, I take two steps. The first is about Daotong, the second is about sincerity. In conclusion, while Wang Yangming build his own thought of moral philosophy, he fully absorbed Zhou Dunyi’s thought of sincerity, and concreted his typical moral philosophy, which is Liangzhi-Xue. I could say that besides the viewpoint of Zhu xi, there is another viewpoint of Wang Yangming to understand the thought of Zhou Dunyi properly.


周敦颐历来评为理学的开山祖。 理学又称为新儒学, 就是宋明理学。 故周敦颐是宋明儒学的开山祖。 宋代理学的集大成者是朱子, 也称为道学;明代理学(心学)的完成者是王阳明, 也称为心学。 道学与心学进行门户之争, 形成似有枘凿不入之势。 就宋明理学开山祖周敦颐而言, 程朱学派继承周敦颐的思想资源, 陆王学派也继承周敦颐的思想资源, 然则两派继承的思想资源同不同?一般认为, 朱王皆继承周敦颐, 而周朱授受重于周王授受, 即他是道学宗主而不是心学宗主。 本文反省这种常见, 提出一个假设:阳明心学比朱子道学更为继承发扬周敦颐的原本思想。 本文就两个方面探讨这个问题, 第一是道统观念, 第二是诚思想。 通过以上的调查达到如此结论:阳明本人视周敦颐思想为心学道统的核心, 把他尊为孔子圣学在宋朝复兴的开山祖, 继承发扬周敦颐所主诚的思想, 建立他的良知学。 并且阳明后学继承先师的如此立场而发扬光大了。 总之, 从王阳明和王龙溪对周敦颐思想的继承发展而看, 阳明心学比朱子道学不一定逊于继承发扬周敦颐思想。 从此可知除了道学(朱子学)的观点以外, 还有从阳明心学的角度研究周敦颐思想的余地。


 一. 问题所在
 二. 阳明心学建立以周程为轴的宋代道统
 三. 阳明心学奠定以诚为主的思想
 四. 结语:以心极统合周敦颐的无极而太极


  • 宣炳三 선병삼. 成均馆大学招聘教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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