

『붉은 천막』 : 새로 태어난 여성, 디나


The Red Tent : A Newly Born Woman, Dinah


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



You, Jeongsuk. “The Red Tent: A Newly Born Woman, Dinah.” Studies in English Language & Literature 43.2 (2017): 159-179. In The Red Tent, Anita Diamant tries to raise Dinah’s voice and reconstruct her hidden story through “feminine writing”. The Part 3 of the novel, “Egypt”, “re-imagines” Dinah’s life in Egypt after the Shechem’s massacre. Dinah is traumatized from the murder of her beloved in her bed. This paper aims to review the process in which Dinah recovers from her trauma and lives her life as a “newly born woman”. Firstly, She leaves her father’s house and moves to Egypt. In Egypt she lives an isolated, shadowy life in her mother-in-law’s house concealing her status and her past. Secondly, after ten years or so in Egypt, Dinah develops a friendship with Meryt, and starts a job as a midwife. She meets a new lover, Benia, a common carpenter with warmth and gentleness. She becomes “a new soul, reborn” in his constant love. Thirdly, she tells her son the truth about her relationship with Shalem and his murder, and leaves him “brokenhearted but free”. Lastly, she manages to visit her own family to confront her victimizers. There, she hears her own story retold among women in the red tent. She thanks them for their storytelling and forgives her father and brothers from her heart. The author successfully revives Dinah through her storytelling, and in her “feminine writing”. (Jeonju University)


 I. 들어가는 말
 II. “아버지의 집”을 떠나 이집트로
 III. 새로 태어난 여성, 디나
 IV. 가족과의 재회와 트라우마 극복
 V. 맺는 말
 Works Cited


  • 유정숙 You, Jeongsuk. 전주대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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