

Effects of Social Media Utilization on Labor Union Social Capital in South Korea




This study delved into the effects of labor union members’ social media utilization for the formation of labor union social capital. Specifically, this study aimed to identify the effects of labor union-related social media use and participation on the labor union’s social capital formation through quantitative and qualitative research. It set up trust, network, and participation as social capital components and as dependent variables. Network, in particular, was divided into bonding and bridging aspect. There is the correlation between labor union-related social media use and the formation of labor union social capital. As participation in the group type social media operated by a labor union becomes more active, evaluation on labor union social capital throughout trust, network, and participation is higher. Especially, the correlation between bonding network and bridging network was high. This proves that a labor union’s bond enhancement does not result in the labor union’s selfishness, but it can build a cooperative system with an external network.


 1. Introduction
 2. Theoretical Background
  2.1 Social Media
  2.2 Social Capital
  2.3 Social Media and Social Capital
 3. Research Question and Methodology
  3.1 Research Question
  3.2 Data and Methodology
  3.3 Subjects
 4. Results
  4.1 Labor Union Members’ Social Media Use
  4.2 Correlation between Social Media Use and Social Capital Components
  4.3 Social Media Use and Labor Union Social Capital
  4.4 Qualitative Research of Labor Union Social Media Use and Social Capital
 5. Conclusion


  • Ji-Heon Lee Dep. Of New Media, SMIT(Seoul Media Institute of Technology), Korea
  • Hoe-Kyung Jung Dep. Of New Media, SMIT(Seoul Media Institute of Technology), Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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