Public Perception and Environmental Behavior towards Independently-Located Factories Pollution and Adverse Health Effects in Kimpo
Objective: The purpose of this paper was to identify public perception and environmental behavior towards Independently-Located Factories (ILFs) pollution and adverse health effects in Kimpo. Method: This research team conducted a focus group interview and thematic analysis to explore residential background, health status, environmental perception and behavior. Results: This study revealed that perception plays a key role in understanding environmental behavior. We found that public perception was comprised of experience in environmental pollution, understanding of pollutants, and emotional responses to environmental pollution. Some residents were unaware of specific pollutants despite having experienced factory contamination. And they felt depressed due to daily pollution, and often engaged in protective behavior to solve environmental issues. Conclusion: Understanding of the public's perception of environmental pollution serves as a basis for expanding upon a deeper understanding of their responses and effective intervention strategies.
A. 연구배경
B. 환경오염 인식
C. 대응행동
Ⅱ. 연구방법
A. 연구대상
B. 자료수집
C. 자료분석
Ⅲ. 연구결과
A. 거주 배경 : 김포 안에서만 살아요
B. 건강상태 : 건강문제는 있지만 원인은 불분명
C. 환경오염인식 : 경험, 이성, 감정의 상호작용
D. 대응행동: 개인차원 vs 지역사회차원 대응
Ⅳ. 논의
Ⅴ. 결론