Natsume Soseki and Lu Xun were writers and thinkers representing modern East Asia. While Soseki Natsume studied primary school in childhood, he learned British urban culture through England, while Lu Xun ingested western urban culture through studying in Japan. In the end, however, the two most fundamental ideas for accepting modern artifacts were ‘self-reliance’ or ‘awareness of the consciousness of the people’, which is a filtering device that filters out problems that may arise when Western culture is introduced And that they are aware of it as an internal problem. In other words, it can be said that the self-transformation of the people who were the core of the modern age and the pre-assignment task was the alternative for the correct modernization. Soseki and Lu Xun wanted to find a way to avoid harm to their country in terms of accepting modern culture although there was a visual difference in tradition. Soseki, on the other hand, refused to recognize the given Western world or the given everyday world as ‘the only truth’, and made the creation of history not his own as a literary direction. Nosin woke up to the ignorant public and escaped from the old, worn-out curtains to turn to the modern, abandoned his medicine and entered the path of literature. In order to escape from the Oriental identity, however, he insisted on the necessity of imitation as well as the necessity of westernization, but catching up with the West was not his goal. Western civilization was a means of destroying a stubborn civilization, or tradition, that had been made “Means”, that is, confined to oriental identity. Despite the desire to westernize desperately by being driven by the national crisis consciousness, the fact that it is not the goal itself but merely means is a part that has different meaning from the aspect of accepting Japanese modern culture.
두 사람이 근대문물을 수용함에 있어서 가장 기본적으로 생각했던 것은 ‘자기본위’나 ‘국민 개체의 의식 각성’이었는데, 이는 곧 서양문화가 자국에 유입되면서 발생할 수 있는 문제점들을 걸러내는 여과장치라고 여겼으며 내부의 문제로 인식하고 있었다는 점에서 공통적 성향을 지닌다. 즉, 근대의 핵심이자 선결과제였던 자기본위나 국민의 자기변혁이 올바른 근대화를 위한 대안이었다고 볼 수 있다. 소세키와 노신은 비록 전통을 바라봤던 시각에는 차이가 있었지만 근대문물을 수용하는 입장에서는 자국에 유해하지 않는 방안을 모색하고자 했다. 노신은 민족적 위기의식에 쫓겨 일본의 모방능력을 높이 사며 절실히 서구화를 갈구하지만 그 자체가 목표가 아니라 단지 수단이었다는 점에서 일본의 근대문물 수용 양상과는 또 다른 의미를 가지는 부분이라 하겠다.
2. 소세키와 노신의 유학체험
3. 작품을 통해 본 근대문화 수용의 자세
4. 결론