

중앙아시아 5개국의 국가발전전략과 우리의 대응방안


The National Development Strategies of Five Countries Central Asia and Our Response Proposal


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Central Asia with previously the influence transfer which is sudden geopolitics with Russia influence weakening(power transition) it brings about is different entirely and the international environment which is new . In 1991 with collapse of the Soviet Union appears consequently together in the international community compared to where is not the core field area to be rising to the surface toward the Eurasia continent. The other side, by the politics which becomes uniformation of the nine Soviet Union - a military policy and a division of labor industrial policy after crisis becoming independent a border problem the politics - the military policy which become uniform occurred, industrial division of labor became the loosens the economic growth of central Asia empires. Industrial division of labor like this nine Soviet Union became the VIP which decreases the economic growth to central Asia empires, but different one side the area where the development of the resources does not become accomplished is many to leave a huge benefit. Currently the central Asia empires are complicated and. to overcome the inside of area which is various - an outside environment, the hazard which attempts a national growth they are endeavoring constantly. It hardens binding together of inside of area first of all with the enemy, must recognize the location of the home country of world-wide inside, the hazard which the native people is trusted it holds the subject must accomplish the economic development which stands. Hereupon the central Asia empires establish the national growth strategy which hits the actual condition of the hazard home country which accomplishes an economic development they are enforcing. These nations economic growth with the Western advanced nation which uses the natural resource of the home country with opportunity of economic development and a thin national growth strategy and investment custody of Russia and the Chinese support . It soaks consequently but sincerely with the box the possibility of accomplishing the motive power security and Europe advance of hereafter our country economic development smoothly in order to be, must do the trade name cooperation relationship with central Asia 5 countries which are a bridgehead of the Europe advancement.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 중앙아시아의 지정․지경학적 중요성
 Ⅲ. 중앙아시아의 5개국의 국가발전전략 및 특징
 Ⅳ. 주요국의 중앙아시아 진출 실태 및 특징
 Ⅵ. 우리의 대 중앙아시아 진출 확대 방안


  • 강명구 Myung-Koo Kang. 안양대학교 겸임교수, 경제학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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