

한국어 학습자를 위한 『국립국어원 한국어-외국어 학습사전』의 특징 분석 연구


A Study on the key Features Analysis of 『National Institute of Korean Language's Korean-Foreign language Learners' Dictionary』 for Korean learners


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to examine the key features of 『National Institute of Korean Language's Korean-Foreign language Learners' Dictionary』 in terms of dictionary structure, translation method, user convenience and to suggest the effective use of the dictionary. 『National Institute of Korean Language's Korean-Foreign language Learners' Dictionary』 is a bilingualised dictionary compiled on the web that translates the headwords and meanings of 『Basic Korean Dictionary』 into 10 languages. Therefore, this dictionary has all the features of learner's dictionary, translation dictionary, and web dictionary. In order to reflect the key features of the dictionary in the compilation of this dictionary, we designed a preliminary structure, clarified the translation method and detailed instructions, and tried to improve user convenience in searching and using. It is expected that we will analyze the dictionary use in the future and continuously reflect it in the supplement of the contents and service.


 1. 머리말
 2. 사전 구조
  2.1 거시 구조
  2.2 미시 구조
 3. 번역 원칙과 기술 방법
  3.1 번역 방향과 원칙
  3.2 번역 기술
  3.3 문화소(문화 어휘) 번역
 4. 사용자 편의성
  4.1 누리집 설계 방향 및 원칙
  4.2 검증 방법 및 평가
  4.3 적용 사례
 5. 맺음말


  • 박정아 Park, Jung-a.. 국립국어원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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