

기계번역ㆍ인간번역ㆍ트랜스크리에이션의 문체 비교 : 광고 번역을 중심으로


Comparing Style Shift Among Machine Translation, Human Translation and Transcreation : Case Study of Commercial Advertisement Translation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Neural Machine Translation(NMT) has greatly improved machine translation quality, further signaling wider use of MT in the human translation process. As the localization industry evolves, translation production process becomes segmented into draft translation by translator, review by external reviewer and editing by client. In particular, changes in translation ecosystem have led to switching translation service object from technical contents to creative web contents. Among text types that currently flow in, commercial advertizement is assumed to shed light on style difference between machine translation and human translation. Therefore, this study explores style shifts in cosmetic commercials by translation mode such as machine translation, human translation and trans-creation, employing methodological approach from systemic functional language(SFL) - transitivity and register. Except for information freshly added or deleted, trans-created version finalized by a client organization shows the same features as human translation performed by an individual translator within a range that TT can be compared to ST. Meanwhile, machine translation and human translation are distinctly different in transitivity and register, indicating that both linguistic features are two important factors to determine translation style.


 1. 들어가며
 2. 이론적 틀
  2.1. Pekannen의 ‘선택적 변이’
  2.2. 체계기능문법의 ‘동사성’
  2.3. 체계기능문법의 ‘사용역’
 3. 연구 방법
  3.1. 연구 대상
  3.2. 분석 방법
 4. 분석 결과
  4.1. 원문 분석
  4.2. 번역문 분석
   4.2.1. 언어기제별 분석
   4.2.2. 번역모드별 분석
 5. 나가며
 [부록 1] 번역모드별 원문-번역문
 [부록 2] ESTÉE LAUDER社광고 원본


  • 한승희 Han, Seung-Hee. 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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