

통역교육의 교육공학적 접근 : CAIT 수업 설계를 위한 일 고찰


Applying Educational Technology to Interpreting Pedagogy : Considerations for Instructional Design in CAIT


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With the aim to promote technology integration in conference interpreting pedagogy at post-graduate level, this paper will attempt to create a link between Educational Technology (ET) and Computer Assisted Interpreter Training (CAIT). The key rationale behind integrating technology in a post-graduate interpreting classroom is two-fold: the first is to enhance learner experience by leveraging on the affordances of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the second is to promote digital literacy among prospective interpreters, with particular focus on the technologies being integrated in conference interpreting settings. The purpose of this research is firstly to suggest the theoretical and methodological foundations for instructional design in CAIT and secondly to facilitate the use of CAIT in interpreting pedagogy at the post-graduate level. To achieve this purpose, this paper will delve into the theoretical foundations and methods of instructional design in ET and suggest specific instructional design methods for interpreter training. While reading, the readers will be introduced to a range of tools, resources and methods for application by interpreter trainers. The paper will conclude with a sketch of the future outlook of CAIT.


 1. 들어가며
 2. 이론적 배경
  2.1. 교육공학의 개념
  2.2. 수업설계 방법론
  2.3. CAIT 선행연구 고찰
 3. CAIT 수업설계 방법론 고찰
  3.1. 통역교육 현장의 문제점
  3.2. 학습이론
  3.3. 기술자원
  3.4 수업사례
 4. CAIT의 발전 방향
 5. 나가며
 [부록 1] 기술자원 관련 참고자료
 [부록 2] ASSURE 모델을 활용한 통역수업 설계 절차(예시)


  • 진실희 Jin, Sil-Hee. 중앙대학교 국제대학원 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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