

Session Ⅱ - 제10분과:기업재무 3

A Large Creditor in Contagious Liquidity Crises



This paper presents a contagious liquidity crises model for nonfinancial firms in which a large creditor influences the extent to which the contagion spreads across firms. We consider a sequential framework where two rollover games occur one after another. A liquidity crisis in one firm triggers a liquidity crisis in another firm through changes in the risk attitudes of creditors from the wealth effect. We show that the presence of a large creditor with a sufficient asset size reduces the contagion effect. Moreover, a concentration of a large creditor’s loan portfolio towards the former firm increases the contagion effect. (JEL G01, G33, D82, D83)


  3.1. Equilibrium for Firm 1
  3.2. Equilibrium for Firm 2
  4.1. What is Contagion?
  4.2. Comparative Statics Analyses


  • Frederick Dongchuhl Oh KAIST College of Business, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  • Junghum Park KAIST College of Business, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology


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