


일제강점기(1910-1939) 공설군산소방조의 결성과 활동


Organization and Activity of Gunsan Public Fire-fighting Team Under Japanese Rule(1910-1939)


전북사학회 전북사학 제50호 2017.04 pp.215-244
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In 1899 when Gunsan Port was opened, a Gunsan Fire-fighting Team was organized at a foreign settlement. Asayama Kenzo, chief of Gunsan branch of the first Japanese consulate, hurried to organize a fire-fighting team at Gunsan for Japanese who settled in Gunsan. As the population and buildings increased in Gunsan, a great number of fires broke out, resulting in much damage. Fires was divided in Gunsan into two stages: In the first stage, most of fires broke out at rice mills: at Samgyo Rice Mill on December 1917, Joil Rice Mill on July 1924, Josun Rice Mill in 1926, and a crop plant in 1931. In the 2nd stage, fires broke out at paper goods stores and drapers run by Koreans as follows: Sechang Paper Goods Store on 1932, a draper in 1935, Youngjeong 2 Jeongmok Paper Goods Store on April 12, 1935, and a draper owned by Kim Jong-Sun on November 1935. As many fires broke out, the Gunsan Fire-Fighting Team was usually in charge of fire control instead of assisting the police. After the Korea-Japan annexation, the title of Gunsan Fire-Fighting Team at Foreigner's Settlement was changed to Public Gunsan Fire-Fighting Team and it was supervised by the police chief. Police chiefs in Gunsan reorganized the Gunsan Fire-Fighting Team to be in charge of fire control and supplemented fire-fighting equipment. Gunsan Police Station invited the police chief of Gyongsung named Okuma to inspect its fire-fighting training, equipment and water system. As advanced fire-fighting pumps were introduced, permanent water establishment which could manage fire-fighting equipment was needed. In comparison with volunteer fire-fighting teams who were engaged in fire-fighting service while having regular jobs, a permanent fire-fighting team became a good opportunity to further develop fire-fighting services. The rate of introduction of permanent fire-fighting service to Gunsan was the highest in our country. The reason why the number of permanent fire-fighters increased in Gunsan was a result of extensive support from rice dealers or rice-relating merchants who took the lead of rice export in Gunsan. The roles of the Gunsan Fire-fighting Team were roughly divided into three: First, fire preventive activity, fire control and lifesaving from flooded River Geumkang. Second, the team assisted the police to secure safety of Japanese. Their assistance was clearly shown in organization of the Gunsan Fire-fighting Team at foreigners' settlements. Therefore, there were much more number of Japanese who lived in Gunsan under Japanese rule. Finally, the team was mobilized for guarding the port and night patrol.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 군산의 개항과 화재발생
 Ⅲ. 공설군산소방조의 결성과 변화과정
 Ⅳ. 공설군산소방조의 활동 양상
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 김상욱 Kim, Sang-Wook. 전남대학교 사학과 박사과정 수료.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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