

다공성 기재를 이용한 닭가슴살 신선도 인디케이터 제조 및 특성


Development of a Food Freshness Indicator for Monitoring Spoilage of Chicken Breast Using a Porous Substrate

이가은, 백승혜, 김도완, 서종철

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



To visually identify the spoilage of chicken breasts, a three layered freshness indicator consisting of PET/bromocresol green (BCG)-ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA)-acetic acid (AA) composite layer/porous substrates was successfully prepared and their performance were simulated at 20% of CO2 and 4 different trimethylamine (TMA) concentrations to evaluate color change at minimal spoilage level. The visibility and range of color changes of the as-prepared indicators responding to TMA concentration as a simulant were strongly dependent on the concentrations of BCG and AA. As the BCG content increased, the visibility of color change in the freshness indicators was apparently improved and the range of color change could be controlled by contents of AA. Among the as-prepared freshness indicators, ‘G0.12_A0.5’ which consisting 0.12g of BCG and 0.5g of AA was selected as an optimum composition due to the highest visibility at TMA 20 mg% corresponding to the minimal spoilage level. The color of the indicator changed from yellow to green for spoilage indication of chicken breast, which could be easily seen with the naked eyes and well consistent with the simulation results. It is expected that our developed freshness indicator can be useful in monitoring various food freshness and quality.


 재료 및 방법
  1. 실험 재료
  2. 신선도 인디케이터 제조
  3. 닭가슴살 포장
  4. 닭가슴살의 저장특성
  5. 인디케이터 시뮬레이션
  7. 닭가슴살 저장특성과 인디케이터 색변화 분석
 결과 및 고찰
  1. 닭가슴살 부패 과정 중 미생물학적 변화
  2. 닭가슴살 부패 과정 중 이화학적 변화
  3. 신선도 인디케이터의 성능확인
  4. 닭가슴살 부패에 따른 인디케이터 색변화
 감사의 글


  • 이가은 Kaeun Lee. 연세대학교 과학기술대학 패키징학과
  • 백승혜 Seunghye Baek. 연세대학교 과학기술대학 패키징학과
  • 김도완 Dowan Kim. 연세대학교 과학기술대학 패키징학과
  • 서종철 Jongchul Seo. 연세대학교 과학기술대학 패키징학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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