

유럽의 포장 폐기물 발생 및 포장 재료별 재활용에 관한 고찰


Survey on Packaging Waste Occurrence and Recycling for Each Packaging Material in Europe

김도연, 고의석, 이학래, 심원철, 양력명, 김재능

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In order to confirm European packaging waste statistics, this study was investigated annual variability of packaging waste generated, target of recovery and recycling rate for packaging waste and recycling rate of European countries based on Eurostat database. Eurostat is regional society statistics organization designated by European community to distribute development, production and European statistics. From 2005 to 2013, paper and paperboard packaging were generated the largest amount among the total amount of packaging waste generated during the period and the share of main packaging materials were generally constant among the packaging materials. In addition, European Union member countries have established target for the recycling rate and recycling rate for packaging waste which has been well maintained by most EU countries since the 2008 directive was enacted. The recycling rate for whole packaging waste such as glass, paper and paperboard, metal, plastic, wood continues to increase in Europe. In this study, Europe packaging waste statistics were organized and analyzed as yearly transformation of Europe packaging waste occurrence and disposal, recycling rate and recovery rate target value of Europe countries and recycling rate of each country in Europe base on centralized Eurostat database. Moreover GDP reduction were also confirmed due to trend changes and indirect impacts such as economic slump by packaging waste and recycling.


  1. 유럽의 포장 폐기물 발생 및 처리의 연도별 변화
  2. 유럽 국가들의 재생률과 재활용률 목표
  3. 유럽 국가별 재활용률


  • 김도연 Doyeon Kim. 연세대학교 패키징학과
  • 고의석 Euisuk Ko. 연세대학교 패키징학과
  • 이학래 Hakrae Lee. 연세대학교 패키징학과
  • 심원철 Woncheol Shim. 연세대학교 패키징학과
  • 양력명 Liming Yang. 연세대학교 패키징학과
  • 김재능 Jaineung Kim. 연세대학교 패키징학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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