

The Effects of Collaborative Group Discussion on L2 Learners' Strategy Frame Shift


Nicholas Y. Duvernay, Seok-Hoon You

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to investigate correlations between learning strategy use as described in the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (henceforth SILL, Oxford 1995) and the Collaborative Group Discussion* We are deeply indebted to three anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions and grateful to the subjects who participated in this study. This work was supported by the Catholic University of Korea, Research Fund, 2016. ** Corresponding author 1) The CGD is credited to and based on the research on the Team Protocol Method (henceforth TPM, You 2011). 1) (henceforth CGD, You et.al. 2017), which aims to enhance students’ participation in class discussion sessions and written protocol reports. Oxford's SILL strategy rating scale is used as the primary component for measuring students' strategy use (Strategy Frame Shift, henceforth SFS) pre- and post-CGD in order to determine variations in the levels of language learning strategy use for students who have taken part in CGD sessions. The six language learning strategy groups of the SILL as detailed in Oxford (1990) are to be the basis on which the CGD's effectiveness is measured. Qualitative analysis in the form of one-on-one interviews with select students has been conducted post-CGD in order to confirm the survey results from the SILL. The study concludes that a significant level of SFS is observed between pre- and post-CGD sessions and that the CGD is effective in increasing socio-affective strategy use, thus enhancing language learning across all learners.


 1. Introduction
 2. Previous studies and methods
  2.1. Language learning strategies
  2.2. SILL
  2.3. Group discussion methods
 3. Research design and methodology
  3.1. Research questions
  3.2. Participants
  3.3. Instruments
  3.4. Procedure
  3.5. Hypothesis
 4. Main study
  4.1. First semester analysis
  4.2. Second semester analysis
  4.3. Third semester analysis
 5. Discussion and implications
 Appendix 1. SILL questionnaire
 Appendix 2. Basic collaborative group discussion sheet
 Appendix 3. Advanced collaborative group discussion sheet


  • Nicholas Y. Duvernay Catholic University of Korea, Korea University
  • Seok-Hoon You Catholic University of Korea, Korea University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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