

Sijo Literature Therapeutic Research on the Structuring of Emotion-DNA


Park In-Kwa

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, Emotion-DNA is constructed in the same way as that the human DNA constructs the human body. Emotion-DNA is copied and translated in the same way as that the human DNA copies and translates itself. We made an attempt to embody the mind by Emotion-DNA like the symbols "A, T, G, C, U" that make up the chromosome of the human body. This is a diagram of the flow of emotions that the human body operates by literary works. These schemes present new directions for the therapeutic analysis of literary works and for the creation of therapeutic literary works. In this study, we analyzed the nominal Emotion-syllables as a framework of the structuring of emotional DNA. As a result, through the structuring of the emotional DNA, it was judged that the therapeutic action of the human body, which is included in the Rated Sijo among the literary works, can be more concrete and powerful than the works of other genres.


 1. Introduction
 2. Analysis of the flow of emotions
  2.1. Structuring Emotional DNA
  2.2. Emotion-DNA Analysis for Rated Sijo
 3. Conclusion


  • Park In-Kwa Graduate School of Korea University


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