The purpose of the present study is to examine the effect of civic cooperation with the police on the number of crime that the police must solve by conducting simulation based on system dynamics. The study sets police oriented-policing model and police-citizen cooperative model to investigate the effect of civic cooperation with the police. As a result of the simulation, the police oriented-policing model shows that the number of crime that police must solve is increasing over time, while the police-citizen cooperative model shows that the number of crime that must be solved by the police is keeping it stable in the increase of crimes. Comparing both models, civic cooperation with the police is more effective in reducing or deterring crime than police oriented-policing activity. The study proves that building cooperative relationship between citizens and the police can become a strategic method for controlling crime effectively without a rapid increase in police finance. It is meaningful in terms of presenting a dynamic change of interaction for reducing crimes between civic cooperation with the police and policing activity of the police over time.
1. Introduction
2. A Causal Loop Diagram Development
3. Development of Simulation Model
4. Model Simulation Results and Analysis
5. Conclusion