

인터랙티브 게임을 위한 색상정보 파티클필터 기반 얼굴추적 알고리즘


Face tracking algorithm for human-computer interactive games using color-based particle filter

Mai Thanh Nhat Truong, 김상훈

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



For several years, keyboard and mouse have been used as the main interacting devices between users and computer games, but they are becoming outdated. Gesture-based human- computer interaction systems are becoming more popular owing to the emergence of virtual reality and augmented reality technologies. Therefore research on these systems has attracted a significant attention. The researches focus on designing the interactive interfaces between users and computers. Human-computer interaction is an important factor in computer games because it affects not only the experience of the users, but also the design of the entire game. In this research, we develop an particle filter-based face tracking method using color distributions as features, for the purpose of applying to gesture-based human-computer interaction systems for computer games. The experimental results proved the efficiency of particle filter and color features in face tracking, showing its potential in designing human-computer interactive games.


 1. Introduction
 2. Methodology
  2.1 Particle filter
  2.2 Color model
 3. Experiments
 4. Conclusion and future work


  • Mai Thanh Nhat Truong Department of Electrical, Electronics, and Control Engineering, Hankyong National University
  • 김상훈 Sang Hoon Kim. Department of Electrical, Electronics, and Control Engineering, Hankyong National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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