Analysis on Action Modalities Derived from In-Game Action Automation - Focused on Korean Mobile Role-Playing Game -
All games support the meaningful play, and each mechanism producing meaning is various. In mobile role-playing game, automation of in-game action standardizes movements of avatars and diversify combat challenges. Thereby players reinforce their avatars and make various repertoires so as to cope with different contents. Players predict the result of their own actions based on short-term, juicy feedbacks. In conclusion, mobile role-playing game has 'strategy' as its action mode while the unit time required for meaningful play is highly reduced. This analysis is significant in the sense that it was the first step toward integrated change of game play experiences.
1. 서론
2. 선택 분자의 단위별 변화
2.1 액션의 표준화와 귀납적 레퍼토리의 구성
2.2 외부 이벤트의 수치적 시각화
3. 플레이의 의미 생성 기전 변화
3.1 행위 모달리티의 변화와 액션의 다층성
3.2 시간 단위의 분화와 의미 있는 플레이
4. 결론