

모션 그래픽을 활용한 게임 배경 합성과 캐릭터 콘텐츠 생성에 관한 연구


A Study on Game Backgrounds Blending and Content Generation Using Motion Graphics


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to explore game backgrounds and content generation using motion graphics. Motion graphics can be utilized to generate contents in various fields including games, cartoons, movies, animations, characters, advertisements, etc. This study identifies how game backgrounds and game scenes are simply generated by utilizing motion graphics. And synthesizing techniques are used to generate game backgrounds and game scenes. Also, for game backgrounds and characters, motion graphics are applied to simply express special effects such as various flames, blazes, thunderbolts, etc. On the subject of secondary school students, this study evaluates their game background and character generation competencies with two methods to develop game industry and improve content personnel. Evaluation results of 88 points and 85 points are shown from the evaluation of the last results for evaluation items according to the standard of 100 points, and it suggests that game development personnel and character content production personnel be reserved with professional education and support in the future.


 1. 서론
 2. 게임 배경 특성 이해
 3. 모션 그래픽을 이용한 게임 배경 및캐릭터 콘텐츠 표현
  3.1 모션 그래픽 이해
  3.2 게임 배경의 독창성과 및 상징성 표현
  3.3 캐릭터 효과 및 배경 콘텐츠 표현
 4. 게임 배경 생성과 캐릭터 콘텐츠생성 능력 평가
  4.1 합성기법 활용한 콘텐츠 생성 능력 평가
  4.2. 퍼핏 핀 기법을 이용한 콘텐츠 생성 평가
 5. 결론


  • 주헌식 Heon Sik Joo. Division of Department of advanced Computer Graphics Graduate School of Advanced 3D Graphics Science, Multimedia and Game, Sahm-Yook University, Hwarangro 815, Nowon-gu, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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