This paper presents an investigation into the characteristics of social ecology in the poetry of Shin Kyung-rim, identifying the deconstruction of hierarchical structure and equal relationship, spontaneous diversity and dependency of mutual aid, dialectical continuity, and orientation of free nature in his poems. The study first discussed the thinking behind his effort to reach equal relationship through the deconstruction of hierarchical structure in his works as a precondition of social ecology. He argued that there should be equal ecological status between men and between man and other species as they were overlapped, connected to one another, and interacted with one another. The study then discussed spontaneous diversity and dependency of mutual aid. In his poems, all the aspects of life phenomena exhibit the features of organic complexity and also spontaneous diversity. He maintained that all natural phenomena including man engage in constant interactions through the connection of various phenomena and thus result in differences at every moment, moving forward to new creations accordingly. Those discussions led to dialectical continuity and orientation of free nature. In his works, continuity as secondary nature appeared in a pattern of social and cultural phenomena including man being in harmony with first nature and thus oriented toward free nature. Man and nature grow increasingly complex through their interactions, thus evolving. Those findings show that the characteristics of social ecology in Shin's poetry hold significance as alternatives in that they focus on the understanding of organic aspects of human society and nature while being oriented toward free nature. The present paper discussed the fact that the features of human society dominating his poetry in terms of organic theory represent an aspect of natural phenomena.
Ⅱ. 위계구조의 해체와 평등적 관계성
Ⅲ. 자발적 생성과 상호부조의 의존성
Ⅳ. 변증법적 연속성과 자유 자연의 지향
Ⅴ. 맺음말