The Nature of Perceptual Experience in Henry James’s The Ambassadors
Literary criticism for Henry James’s The Ambassadors tends to focus on its descriptive technique and narrative manner. Critics have analyzed how thoroughly James, in composing the novel, concentrated his attention on delineating the vision, perception, impression, and recognition of Lambert Strether, the protagonist of the novel. In short, they have tried to prove the fact that James showd an exquisite craftsmanship in practicing the technique of ‘showing.’ Engaging in such critical discussion on the writing style and structure of The Ambassadors, this paper aims to illuminate the nature and process of Lambert Strether’s perceptual experience of the cultural environment of Paris. Strether’s perceptual experience can be characterized by such psychological concepts as attention, the fusion and flow of consciousness, impressionistic pictorialism, attraction and confusion, and an ironical conversion of recognition.
II. 주의집중과 지각의 융합 및 유동
III. 심상의 회화적 구성
IV. 매혹과 혼란
V. 지각을 통한 인식의 전향
VI. 결론