

자화상에 나타난 자아투영 - 뭉크ㆍ고흐ㆍ렘브란트를 중심으로 -


Self-Projection in Self-Portrait - Focused on Munch, Van Gogh, and Rembrandt -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Self-portraits of artists convey their life journey and inner psychology. Perhaps, it is a matter of course that the artists'lives are reflected on their self-portraits. Artists who often paint self-portraits reveal themselves through the paintings. And, perhaps, the artists see themselves as they want to, or must, see through their self-portraits. In that sense, self-portraits are the life and record of the artists as an individual. Munch, Van Gogh, and Rembrandt are known for having painted many self-portraits, through which they answer the question: "Who am I?" Why did Munch have to paint so many self-portraits? How did his passion for painting and solitude change Van Gogh? How did Rembrandt become a libertine? We can find answers to these questions by observing their self-portraits closely and carefully. study attempted to examine the lives and egos of Munch, Van Gogh, and Rembrandt through their self-portraits, and, thereby, provide an opportunity to think about the message they wanted to convey through their own images through the self-portraits. As a research method, this study explored the psychological self development process and looked into the ego theory proposed by Husserl. psychology, ego development is influenced by genetics and environment through childhood, adolescence and senescene, forming a trajectory of one's life. Development of attachmentduring childhood, self-examination and success during adolescence, and self-integration during senescene have tremendous impact throughout the life cycle of a human being. In phenomenology, Husserl divided ego into physical self, personal self, and pure self explained characteristics of each self. Based Husser!' s self theory, this study investigated how the egos of Munch, Van Gogh, and Rembrandt were projected in their self-portraits. exploration process provided a framework within which to understand consc10us or subconscious psychology of the self found m the self-portraits of Munch, Van Gogh, and Rembrandt, and understand self-portraits of artists from a different perspective.


I. 서론
 II. 자아의 이해
  1. 심리학에서 자아발달
  2. 현상학에서 자아탐색
 III. 자화상에 투영된 자아탐색
  1. 뭉크의 자화상에 나타난 자아투영
  2. 자화상에 투영된 고흐
  3. 렘브란트, 자화상에 삶을 투영하다
 IV. 결론


  • 유봉자 Bongja YOU. 조선대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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