


The Role of Civil Society in a Vietnamese context : Does Process-Based Framework Work in Vietnam?


Lee, Yeonjoo

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The role of civil society in Vietnam can be primarily explained by process-based development and its strong political ties as the network is heavily dependent on the political structure. The local civil society network has been facing changes in its numbers of members, formality, and advocacy work in recent years that this paper aims to examine within the Vietnamese context. It therefore focuses on social and political processes concerning civil society and the state through three different case-studies that address both local, national, and international levels in addition to political, social, historical, and economic issues. Moreover, the paper attempts to discuss the growing problems of political power, privatisation, and personal connections due to the local authorities’ access to land, and marketization that create further separation among the state, civil society, and market. It demonstrates the analysis of the role or its relationship in the Vietnamese context in order to highlight the problems of its political structure that exacerbates the processes of formalizing, and expanding the foundations of the civil society in Vietnam. In summary, it can be argued that the current structure of the civil society is segmented, and decentralised, which blends with the processbased perspective with a clear evidence of political processes.


 1. Introduction
 2. Theoretical framework
 3. Case Background
 4. Case Analysis
  4.1 Continuum of Civil Society Roles
  4.2 Bauxite Mining Project
  4.3 Hanoi’s Reunification Park
 5. Discussion and Conclusion
  5.1 What will happen if civil society holds more power?
  5.2 Conclusion


  • Lee, Yeonjoo Bachelor Course, Department of Geography, Seoul National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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