


Changing Industrial Structure and their spatial distribution of Sri Lanka : An Economic Geographical perspective




At present, most of economists and also experts have being made their extra ordinary attention on the theme of development of developing countries. Most of developing countries are now experiencing many kinds of changes in their economies. However, the problem is meanwhile they have to face other impediments in plenty which are belonged to their underdevelopment status. Sri Lanka is as a South Asian developing country has unique changes in its economic structure particularly after the introduction of open economy system in 1977. Based on the British colonial establishments, the country’s main exports are agriculture products. However, after the open economy system, the secondary export earnings have been proliferated. Particularly, garment productions made predominant contribution to the export sector. For an instance, since 1950 to 2014, the industry sector has been increased from 19.6% to 32.3% while agriculture sector has been declined from 46.3% to 10.1%. In these circumstances, the garment sector acted as the centripetal force to create hundreds of thousands job opportunities particularly in rural areas. Meanwhile, the thirty years of civil war made an irreparable lost to the country in both the physical and human properties. After end of the war in 2009, the country has a big gaining momentum to proliferate her economy with rejuvenation by considering the existing ‘demographic dividend’ and ‘peace dividend’ as windfalls of success.


 1. Introduction
 2. Historical perspectives of Industrial policy establishments which influenced for structural changed
  2.1 Major policy concerns after Independent (from 1948 to 1977)
  2.2 Major policy concerns after Liberalization (after1977)
 3. Changing dynamics of Industrial Structure of Sri Lanka
  3.1 Structural change of Industries before the Economic Liberalization
  3.2 Structural change of Industries after the Economic Liberalization
 4. Policy implications for the spread of industrial clusters among regional areas
 5. Economic Geography of the garments industry
 6. Concluding Remarks


  • Ananda Karunarathne 서울대학교 사회과학대학 지리학과 석사과정


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