

인간의 열망과 그의 한계 : 말로우의 『포스터스 박사의 비극』


Man’s Aspiration and His Limitations in Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Criticism and evaluation of Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus are literally divided into two extremes. One is the orthodox Christian view based on Lutheran-Calvinist determinism, and the other is the unorthodox humanistic view revived around Italy since the Renaissance period. The same polarity or ambivalence of the author Marlowe, who is attracted to both of these two perspectives, is also clearly shown in the work maintaining the dramatic tension and ambiguity throughout. The protagonist, Dr. Faustus, who tried to overcome human limitations to the point of selling his soul to the devil, could be regarded as deserving of the heavenly judgment and damnation. But he might also be securely described as had been saved because he, as a human being given free-will by God, tried all his best to overcome his destiny heroically. This kind of sympathy and compassion is the cause of the ambiguous attitude of the author, and of the reader as well, toward the drama of man’s heroic aspiration and his tragical psychic torment. As a result, even though the protagonist is finally condemned to death, we come to remain with a meaning that is not simple.


 Works Cited


  • 권영탁 Kwon, Youngtak. 세명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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