

함무라비 법과 잠언 8장의 연관성에 대한 고찰 : 천상회의를 중심으로


A Study on the Relationship between the Laws of Hammurabi and Proverbs 8 based on the Divine Council


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study deals with the relationship of divine councils between the Laws of Hammurabi and Proverbs 8, and with its hermeneutic implications. Wisdom is couched in the mundanities and conducts of people, but her authority is compared to Yahweh’s creation and she has the highest authority as the fear of God. Wisdom is edited as a literary purpose to integrate the various features of ancient Israelite life and religious vision. Furthermore, she expands to a typological eternal truth through the spiritual relationship with God. The divine councils in the Laws of Hammurabi and Proverbs 8 are parts of common features in the ancient Near East. They operate as absolute consultative bodies based on justice and righteousness, revealing noble features of divinity. The divine council in Proverbs 8 is developed independently from that in the laws of Hammurabi, rather than influenced by some special forms of literature like the laws of Hammurabi. The divine council in Proverbs 8 is Israelite cultural heritage of faith. Wisdom is personified and depicted as a hypostasis, the co-creator. It seems possible to interpret the co-creator as Jesus Christ, Logos and Sophia in the background of hermeneutic implications, though not clearly mentioned in Proverbs. The co-creator illuminates joy and gladness, and intercession with God the creator, who is the ideal of all living beings. The divine council of Proverbs is based on concern, care, sacrifice, and love for humanity. Communication and mutual help of the co-creator seem to be one of the best ways toward democracy and governance overcoming confusion and conflicts in this contemporary world. The model of the co-creator in primeval time in creating the heavens and the earth, delight and dynamism, mission and vision as an intermediary for humanity, is the blueprint of the human spirit, relationship and attitude to the end of time.


본고는 함무라비 천상회의와 잠언 8장의 천상회의의 연관성을 비교하고, 지혜의 신격체인 창조협력자의 신원에 대한 해석영향사적 연구이다. 함무라비와 잠언 천상회의는 고대근동의 보편적 현상의 일부로서 유사성과 차이점이 있다. 지혜는 의인화되어 신격체인 창조협력자를 드러내며, 잠언에서는 분명한 언급이 없지만, 후대 창조협력자를 해석영향사적 배경에서 신약의 로고스와 소피아인 예수 그리스도로 보는 해석의 여지는 가능한 것으로 보인다.


1. 서론
 2. 함무라비 천상회의
  1) 수메르 법전승의 천상회의
  2) 함무라비 천상회의
  3) 협치의 과정
 3. 잠언 천상회의
  1) 잠언의 지혜
  2) 지혜의 신격성
  3) 지혜의 선재성
  4) 잠언 천상회의
 4. 창조협력자의 신원
 5. 양 천상회의의 연관성
 6. 결론
 7. 참고문헌


  • 이종근 Jong-Keun Lee. 삼육대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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