

EL-SEP : Improved L-SEP by adding Single-hop layer



Wireless sensor nodes have limited energy, so it is important to optimize energy consumption to preserve network lifetime. Various protocols have been proposed for this purpose. LEACH protocol and SEP are the representative protocols. These protocols become less effective as the Sensor Field becomes wider. To improve this, MR-SEP and L-SEP were proposed. These protocols increase the energy efficiency by dividing the Sensor Field into layers and reducing the transmission distance. However, when dividing a layer, there are cases where it is divided inefficiently, and a node within a certain range from a Base Station has a better transmission efficiency than a direct transmission method using a cluster method. In this paper, we propose a Single-hop layer for L-SEP to improve inefficient layer division and near node transmission efficiency. When the larger the Sensor Field, the better the performance of the proposed method by up to 87%. The larger the sensor field, the more efficient the proposed method is over the conventional method. That is, the proposed method is suitable for the wide Sensor Field.


 1. Introduction
 2. Body
  2.1. LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) Protocol [4]
  2.2. SEP (A Stable Election Protocol for clustered heterogeneous wireless sensor networks) [5]
  2.3. MR-SEP (Multi-hop Routing SEP) [6]
  2.4. L-SEP (Layered SEP) [7]
 3. Proposed Method
 4. Simulation and Results
  4.1. Simulation
  4.2. Simulation Results
 5. Conclusion


  • WooSuk LEE Department of Plasma Bioscience and Display, KwangWoon University Graduate School, Seoul, Korea
  • Kye-Dong Jung Ingenium college of liberal arts, KwangWoon University, Seoul, Korea
  • Jong-Yong Lee Ingenium college of liberal arts, KwangWoon University, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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