

The Developement of Real-time Information Support Cart System based on IoT



In the modern technology era, it is possible to connect objects and the internet anytime and anywhere through IoT of hyper-connected society. Accordingly, a smart shopping cart was designed and realized by applying IoT. Therefore, this paper builds the IoT shopping cart system according to the trend of IoT environment.. When RFID is installed in the Arduino and the tagged item is inserted into the IoT shopping cart, the product information and price are displayed on the Arduino linked Raspberry Pi. We built a web server on the Raspberry Pi to handle this data, and built an App on the smartphone to implement the IoT shopping cart environment. Consumers can receive pricing and product information through smartphone apps through raspberry pie, can make quick calculations through smartphone, and provide various information to consumers through apps.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related works
  2.1 Recognition System Environment (Arduino & Shield)
  2.2 Web Server building with Raspberry Pi
 3. System Design
 4. Performance Evaluation
 5. Conclusions


  • Dong-Sung Seo Department of Medical IT Marketing, Eulji University, Korea
  • Min-Soo Kang Department of Medical IT Marketing, Eulji University, Korea
  • Yong Gyu Jung Department of Medical IT Marketing, Eulji University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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