

랫풀다운 운동방법에 따른 넓은등근, 큰가슴근, 어깨세모근, 등세모근, 위팔두갈래근의 근전도 분석


An Electromyographic Analysis of Muscle Activation in the Latissimus Dorsi, Pectoralis Major, Deltoid, Trapezius, and Biceps Brachii Muscles According to the Type of Lat Pull Down Exercise


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



[PURPOSE] This study investigated the differences in activation of muscles principally recruited in the front lat pull down (FLPD) exercise and in the behind the neck lat pull down (BLPD) exercise; by doing so we aimed to propose a safe and effective mode of exercise. [METHODS] The study subjects consisted of 12 healthy male individuals in their 20s, who had neither medical problems nor physical restrictions. The one repetition maximum (1RM) of the lat pull down of each participant was indirectly measured using a weight of less than 10 RMs. The patients were asked to perform 5 consecutive repeats of FLPD and of BLPD, using a weight of 75% of their 1RM; whilst the participants performed these exercises, we measured muscle activation by electromyography. Using the resulting electromyographic data, which were filtered of electromyogram artifacts, we calculated the root mean squares (RMS). With respect to a standard RMS, which was calculated using the maximum voluntary isometric contraction test, we analyzed the RMS of FLPD and BLPD and expressed them as percentages. The paired T-test was used to statistically analyze the differences in muscle activation between FLPD and BLPD. [RESULTS] We found that the posterior deltoid muscle was significantly activated during the FLPD exercise (p<.01), whereas the lower trapezius muscle was significantly activated during the BLPD exercise (p<.05). However, we did not observe any statistically significant differences in muscle activation between the two lat pull down exercises in the latissimus dorsi, the pectoralis major, the upper trapezius, the middle trapezius, and the biceps brachii muscles. [CONCLUSIONS] Considering both safety and effectiveness, we propose that individuals with shoulder injuries perform the FLPD exercise over the BLPD exercise during rehabilitation.


 연구 방법
  측정 및 검사
  어깨 너비, 그립 간격, 1RM, 그리고 운동부하
  MVIC 검사에 따른 근육별 RMS
  FLPD과 BLPD 시 근활성도 차이


  • 임승길 Seung-Kil Lim. 동신대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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