

湖南地域의 巫樂과 굿 儀式의 성격 - 순천씻김굿을 중심으로 -


The Characteristics of the Kut Ritual and the Music in Honam - Focused on Suncheon Ssitgim kut -

호남지역의 무악과 굿 의식의 성격 - 순천씻김굿을 중심으로 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kut ritual reveals various lifestyles of Korean people, such as varied artistic types, clothing, decorations, ritual and customs ranging from religious ceremony to music, dance, oral tradition, drama, play and so on. Especially, Ssitgim Kut contains even death ceremony consoling the deceased's soul as well as art and life. The procedure of Kut differs according to local area and Kut situations. This study was to explore the procedures and the music of the Kut ritual in Honam region, - focused on Suncheon Ssitgim Kut. The ritual procedures of this Kut are performed in a series of 〈1. Jowang Kut〉 〈2. Anddang〉 〈 3. Josang Kut〉 〈4. Jeseok Kut〉 〈5. Honmaji〉 〈6. Ogu Kut〉 〈7. Gapuri〉 〈8. Ssitgim〉 〈9. Gildakeum〉 〈10. Geori Kut〉. The above 10 procedures are divided to two parts; the first half, from Jowang Kut to Jeseok Kut with a character of celebrating living people, and the second half, from Honmaji to Geori Kut, washing the deceased's soul and leading it to the heaven. Among 10 procedures, 〈1. Jowang Kut〉 and 〈10. Geori Kut〉 were performed by Gain -the instrument player-, and 8 procedures from 〈2. Andang〉 to 〈9. Gildakeum〉 were performed by Danggol. There were 35 songs totally in 8 procedures. This study analyzed the musical characteristics of 35 Kut songs in three aspects of the rhythmic pattern -Jangdan-, the mode, and the musical style. The first, the eight Jangdan were used, representative Jangdan of Ssitgim Kut in Jeonnam region, such Dongsalpuri, Jinyangjo, Jungmori, Jungjungmori, Gutgeori, Dungdeoggungi, Eotmori and, Oijangu without any fixed rhythm. The second, the Kut songs of Suncheon Ssitgim Kut were sung in 3 modes ; Yukjabaegi-Mok, Gutgeori-Mok, and Nangsongjo, and the songs in Yukjabaegi-Mok took its most part. The third, the style of singing Kut songs seemed to have to do with the poetic form of songs; a poem in stanza form was strophic, and a poem of continuous verse structure was set to through- composed music. And the style was related to Jangdan also. The strophic songs were concentrated on Jungmori, Jungjungmori, Gutgeori Jangdans. And the through-composed songs were concentrated on Dongsalpuri and Jinyangjo Jangdans. The songs of Dongsalpuri Jangdan was simple and syllabic. And in the songs of Jinyangjo Jangdan, the three typical phrases were often used.


Ⅰ. 들어가며
 Ⅱ. 순천씻김굿의 과정과 무가
 Ⅲ. 장단
 Ⅳ. 선법
 Ⅴ. 음악 양식
 Ⅵ. 맺는 말


  • 윤화중 Yun, Hwa-Joong. 전북대학교 예술대학 한국음악학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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