

Original Research

A Study of Shielding Properties of X-ray and Gamma in Barium Compounds




Background: Ionizing radiation is known to be harmful to human health. The shielding of ionizing radiation depends on the attenuation which can be achieved by three main rules, i.e. time, distance and absorbing material. Materials and Methods: The mass attenuation coefficient, linear attenuation coefficient, Half Value Layer (HVL) and Tenth Value Layer (TVL) of X-rays (32 keV, 74 keV) and gamma rays (662 keV) are measured in Barium compounds. Results and Discussion: The measured values agree well with the theory. The effective atomic numbers (Zeff) and electron density (Ne) of Barium compounds have been computed in the wide energy region 1 keV to 100 GeV using an accurate database of photon-interaction cross sections and the WinXCom program. Conclusion: The mass attenuation coefficient and linear attenuation coefficient for BaCO3 is higher than the BaCl2, Ba(No3)2 and BaSO4. HVL, TVL and mean free path are lower for BaCO3 than the BaCl2, Ba(No3)2 and BaSO4. Among the studied barium compounds, BaCO3 is best material for x-ray and gamma shielding.


 Meterials and Methods
  1. Present work
 Results and Discussion


  • L. Seenappa Department of Physics, Government College for women, Karnataka, India
  • H.C. Manjunatha Department of Physics, Government College for women, Karnataka, India
  • B.M. Chandrika PC Extension, St.Annes School, Karnataka, India;
  • Hanumantharayappa Chikka Vivekananda Degree College Karnataka, India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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