

조선후기 충청도지역 읍지(邑誌)의 음악 기사 검토 - 군액(軍額)항과 읍사례(邑事例) 기록을 중심으로


Study on the Musical Descriptions of Chungcheong Area's Town Chronicles Type in the late Joseon Dynasty


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It may be true that many studies on the musical history of the late Joseon Dynasty have been taken by researching the streams of musical styles through the old musical notes, and the musics themselves played in capital areas has been the main subjects of them, in accordance, the studies on the musical players have been concentrated on those of the court's musicians, and not so much of local ones. To make scrutinization on the studies established yet, making out many things which are essential to musical history such as the old military system called Bongjok(奉足) and Bobeop(保法), the musicians and their "Bo(保)" systems for the government service out of the Local Chronicles published after Yeongjoera(1724~1776), and many kinds of musical descriptions are efficient indeed. But I'd like to start with my study by studying on the musical descriptions of Town Chronicles Type around Chungcheong area's, south west of Korea. The Town Chronicles, being the main object of this study, come true in such a books as the Chungcheong part of 『Yeojidoseo 與地圖書』, 『Hoseoeupji 湖西 邑誌』, the Chungcheong part of 『Sachaneupji 私撰邑誌』, and 『Chungcheongdo-eupji 忠淸道邑誌 』 out of the collectionbooks in 'Gyujang' the Court Library of Joseon Dynasty. In those Town Chronides as such 『eupji 邑誌』's, we can verify the items of the musical descriptions in the chapters of "customs 風俗", "public halls 公廳", "military taxations 軍額", and we can also see them in "eupsarye 邑事例" chapter out of one Town Chronicle published in Gojong era(1863~1907) too. Only in those Town Chronicles from Gongju area in south Chungcheong, we can certify the descriptions in the chapters of "customs" among those of all Chungcheong area's. Out of the chapters of "public halls", we can infer that there were kisaeings' halls or kyobangs(敎坊) all around Chungcheong area. In the analysis of the chapters of "military taxations", we can see the court musicians and its pupils under the Jang-agwon(掌樂院, the musical agency), a brass bands under the Byeongjo(兵曹, the military agency), government musician, bands, brasses and their pupils under the control of local government. And in the "eupsarye" chapter, it can be inferred that those musicians and pupils would not only get the payments of their playings, but also they should pay for their compulsory services by money or hemp clothes. To think more over, the number calculated out of the chapters of "military taxations" seems to be the one of sum total those who under the compulsory services. actually and those who in the use of exploit not in reality, even if in the area of Chungcheong not all around the nation. In considering the fact that one musician in charge of compulsory service by person should work for military service too, we can confirm that they were slaves in government employment, and they took double the pains of compulsory services and payments. None the less, besides the points of this study I'd like to make additional remarks that my interpretation of those lives of the musician by the descriptions in the late Joseon Dynasty will be complemented by those studies of other scholars on the regions than Chungcheong area sooner or later, and the documents of the above "eupsarye" shall be studied more in details and scrupulously from now on.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
 Ⅱ. 충청도지역 읍지(邑誌) 해제
 Ⅲ. 충청도지역 읍지의 음악기사 분석
 Ⅳ. 쟁점
 Ⅴ. 나가는 말


  • 배인교 Bae lhn-gyo. 한국학중앙연구원 박사과정.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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