

한국의 음악박물관 현황과 육성과제


The Current Status of Music-Related Museums in Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, I tried to examine the current status of music related-museums in Korea. As a musicologist, I believe for our scholarship, musicology to develop and establish firmly in Korea, we need full-fledged museums dedicated specifically to music. We have only a handful of museums dedicated to music: National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts' Museum(Seoul), National Center for Korean Folk Performing Arts' Museum(Namwon), Nangye Korean Music Museum(Yondgdong), Pansori Museum(Gochang), Chamsori Gramophone & Edison Museum(Kangnung), Museum of Musical Instruments of the World(Paju) are the few museums specialized in music in Korea. As music is essential part of everyday life and culture, a few museums of folklore, arts, religious ceremonies or rite of rituals, have some collections of musical instruments or performance practices' artifacts. Good such examples are Kongju Folk Drama Museum, mask Museums(Hahoe and Galchon), Museum of the Center for Latin America, Global Village Folk Museum, Global Village Hinterland Folk Museum, African Art Museum and Tibet Museums(Taewonsa and Seoul). Most of the museums mentioned above, even the large one, have less than 3-400 items in one category. Most of the music-related museums in Korea are preoccupied by exhibition while lacking such research functions as pursuing own speciality and enriching their collections with scholastic efforts. The ratio of the items exhibited to the items held in storage is extremely low and the informations offered for the visitors is not systematically organized or scholastically approached. Lacking professionalism, many of the musical instruments and items are exhibited and illustrated by non-music professionals, thus being mistreated in terms as classification, language, and other informations. These conclusions then lead us to our future tasks: the most important among many is establishing of educational infrastructure to foster museum specialists trained in musicology and organology, equally and substantially.


Ⅰ. 들어가면서
 Ⅱ. 음악 및 공연예술 관련자료를 전문으로 소장하는 박물관
 Ⅲ. 음악관련자료를 소장하는 특수박물관
 Ⅳ. 음악관련자료를 소장하는 종합박물관
 Ⅴ. 음악자료를 소장하는 자료실
 Ⅵ. 한국 음악박물관의 현주소
 Ⅶ. 한국 음악박물관의 현황진단과 미래과제


  • 박미경 Park Mi-kyung. 계명대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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