

韓國천주교 葬禮노래(煉禱)의 음악구조


Musical Structure of Mourning Songs (Yeondo, 煉禱) in Korean Catholic church

한국천주교 장례노래(연도)의 음악구조


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the 200 year long history of Korean Catholicism, Catholic music has been developed in the style of Western music. However, 'Yeondo(煉禱),' which is a song for mourning dead souls, is one of representative types of Korean Catholic hymns that has been handed down with Korean unique style and melody. The musical structure of Yeondo is divided into initium, mediation and terminatio. Initium is based on reading out the text(dokseoseong), mediation on the Gregorian chants, and termination on pansori and dokseoseong. The Sigimsae of Yeondo is not violent but follows the Menari style or the style of classical music (正樂) and the function of sound and the sequence of melody have been influenced by the Gregorian chants, but Yeando developed into a unique genre by receiving Korean musical tradition popular in those days. The characteristics of Yeondo are summarized as follows. 1. Yeondo collected from different areas are all based on the Gyemyeonjo, and adopt the Menari style, which is a characteristics found in the eastern area. This is understood to result from the systematically planned distribution in the Catholic Church. 2. The one tone one beat style of Yemdo emphasizes the importance of language (word), and the repetition of the same tone gives lyricism for empathy. 3. Delicate changes caused by the length of the words, the beginning part of songs, singers' breathing and local characteristics can be regarded as the beauty of flexibility appearing in the community. 4. Three types of Sigimsae-pushing tone, gliding tone and vibrating tone-give a calm and comfortable feeling like traditional classical music(正樂). This appears to express the expectation of resurrection and the consideration of the community. 5. Words of long verses are not developed musically, but mediation(A), cadence(B) and litany(C) melody compose the basic form. 6. Rhythm is the combination of ♩ and ♪♩, expressing the rhythmic beauty of golden ratio, and gyohwan chang expresses collectivism that considers others rather than individualism. Yeondo, which has been handed down through the 170 year long history of Korean Catholicism, is a representative genre of Korean Catholic hymns that has been nationalized in combination with traditional music in the Joseon Dynasty. It is noteworthy as a cultural asset in the history of Catholicism and as a cultural heritage of Korean people.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 연도자료채집과 실현양상
 Ⅲ. 연도자료의 비교 검토
 Ⅳ. 연도의 음악구조 분석
 Ⅴ. 악보화의 문제점과 실현방법
 Ⅵ. 맺음말


  • 강영애 Kang Young-yae. 한양대 강사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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