Restoration of Music Style(akp'ung panj?ng 樂風反正) was a policy by king Ch?ngjo to restore the music style in a right way. It was different from that of the Restoration of Literary style(munch'e panja? ng 文體反正). Restoration of Music Style was planned to purify the elite bureaucrat who would be the music planners through the strengthening of poetic enlightenment and musical enlightenment, and even refine the music style of court music of which the technique grew more sophisticated and the rhythm became more speedy those days, while the Restoration of Literary style was a political sanction for recovering a pure literary style. The thought of King Ch?ngjo that the literary style reflects the society came from the confucian idea that the literature is an expression of the politics. It corresponds to the case of music. The acquisition of the pure style through the Restoration of Literary style sought for the classical elegance in a prior age. Furthermore, the significance of the Restoration of Music Style includes the precaution of the luxuriant music prevailed in a non-official sphere. King Ch?ngjo implicitly shows his intention to control the music performed in a private space, which revealed a liberal expression of human nature at speedy rhythm.
Ⅱ. 樂風反正의 배경
Ⅲ. 知樂之臣과 抄啓文臣
Ⅳ. 詩敎와 樂敎를 통한 樂風反正
Ⅴ. 맺음말