

가사(歌詞)와 잡가(雜歌)의 발전과정에 대한 재고찰


Reconsideration of the Process of the Growth in Gasa and Japga


한국국악학회 한국음악연구 제35집 2004.06 pp.285-304
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Although the contemporary Gasa and Japga have been considered as different kinds of music from each other, this notion has been consolidated after the 1940's in South Korea, and they had not been different from each other by the early 20th century. Each of them had been a popular and entertaining music performed in the entertainment places of the bustling town. The condition of the growth of them was the change of rural area society and the economic development of the suburbs of Seoul in the late Josun Dynasty. Japga was especially a category where some different kinds of music were mixed. It can be argued that Gasa was formed from Japga in the early 20th century, which means that the several music considered as lofty and elegant ones among Japga by the singers were called as the name of 'Gasa'. In fact, many repertoires of contemporary Gasa were classified as Japga in the early 20th century. During the period of Yiwangjik a-akbu(court music department of Lee Dynasty in the period of Japanese colony), Gasa was considered as a kind of 'right music' and Japga that of 'low' or 'vulgar' music, and this notion has been solider after then.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 가사와 잡가의 발생과 발전 배경
 Ⅲ. 가사와 잡가의 구분에 대한 재고(再考)
 Ⅳ. 가사와 잡가의 발전과정에 대한 음악사적 해석
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 전지영 Jean, Ji-young. 한국정신문화연구원 통합과정 수료


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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