

18세기 판소리 음악문화 연구


A Study on the P'ansori Musical Culture of the Eighteenth Century


한국국악학회 한국음악연구 제34집 2003.12 pp.165-182
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Generally, the formative period of p'ansori is known to be the eighteenth century. However, there are disagreements among scholars on the date when the early p'ansori singers performed and the exact date of its formation. Further, there are no research materials on the characteristics of the early-period p'ansori. Through the study of written records of the eighteenth-century p'ansori performances and the orally transmitted stories of the p'ansori singers, one can find out that the p'ansori performers of this period were U Ch'un-rae, Choe S?n-tal, and Ha Han-tam. This paper has revealed that these singers actively performed after the 1750s and that their approximate birth and death date is as follows--U Ch'un-tae (?-1780s), Choe S?n-tal (1726-1805), Ha Han-tam (1740s-1825). The year 1754 is when Yu Chin-han wrote Kasa Ch'unhyang Yibaekku after watching "Ch'unhyangga" in the honam region. Thus, one can assume that it was during the mid-eighteenth century Y?ngjo period that the short kwangdae songs such as y?ngsan and t'ary?ng and the like had developed into a whole p'ansori, It is inferred that there were many professional p'ansori singers besides U Ch'un-tae, Choe S?n-tal, and Ha Han-tam, and it seems like those singers' specialties were gesture, voice quality, and particular sections of p'ansori, which were all part of the vocal tradition of the ch'angu. Performing this tradition resulted from the co-existence of the pre-eighteenth century vocal tradition, such as sohakchihui, of the kwangdae. The eighteenth-century p'ansori originated from the whole area of the shinawi-muak circle during a similar time period and not from a particular region. This conclusion is grounded on the fact that U Ch'un-rae performed in the Seoul area, Choe S?n-tal and Ha Han-tam came from the Gi'ungch'?ng province, and Yu Chin-han watched the whole p'ansori of "Ch'unhyangga" in the honam region. Thus, it is in the early nineteenth century that p'ansori began to form a musical system similar to that of today.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 18세기 중엽의 판소리 명창
 Ⅲ. 18세기 중엽 판소리의 음악적 특징
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 성기련 Sung, Ki-ryun. 서울대 ·수원대 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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